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Is the Atlantic Center Good for Amesbury?

Bob OBrien

The Atlantic Center is a phenomenal project for Amesbury’s future. It is a very large and potential high visibility project that can benefit this little quiet city in many ways. It is to be located on a site that has been empty with no competing alternatives emerging. The location is proximate to interstate 495 with access via an industrial park location vs. a residential neighborhood. The value of the building / site will add large $$$ to the real estate tax base; state funds will be used to better the roads / accessibility situation of that area – long overlooked; and the sales potential for local area businesses is potentially huge sales increases. Not to mention that it puts Amesbury on the 'go to' map.

The project has survived the test of time in surviving various municipal boards’ lack of expertise in some areas and over reach and in sphincter testing for others; made the required changes requested by those boards – at significant expense to the developer; has the buy in of Mayor Gray who sees and values the future benefits; has created associations with numerous Amesbury businesses as potential suppliers; will not present future student costs to Amesbury schools but will be an enviable home location for Amesbury ice sports in the future; now only needs to survive the City Council approval required to break ground. I have yet to hear anyone in Amesbury speak unfavorably about the Atlantic Center.

Now, there is the City Council to survive over the next three weeks of meetings. It seems illogical to me that with the potential benefits to Amesbury and the Amesbury citizens they represent, that a Councilor would put his / her own personal agenda in front of these benefits. But, that concern exists and needs to be overcome.

I suggest that as many of us as possible attend the upcoming City Council meetings on Tuesday 4/24 and 5/08 at 7:00 p.m. at City Hall to support the Atlantic Center project. Let’s put as many faces in the seats that Councilors have to look at in making decisions of supporting the City and residents or their own agendas. I still find it hard to believe that some actual leadership can't cure this....

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