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Barewolf Maker's Market Sparks Collaboration

As the weather improves from winter doldrums, Barewolf Brewing decided that it’s time to play outside.  They invited friends along from CI Works to participate and organized a terrific event.  Barewolf offered to do all the heavy lifting – organizing, planning, communicating, permitting with city, parking, music, fun, and inviting food trucks as though it was exclusively their ‘biergarten’ -  then opened the doors to other tenants to participate, meet people, make connections and sell product through a venue that would not otherwise not benefitted from. 

Hundreds of attendees flooded the Market, tenants like Fling Golf participated in the event. “The first Maker's Market organized and hosted by Barewolf Brewery was a fun-in-the-sun event.  We had well over 100 people try FlingGolf while browsing the various vendors and sipping craft brews” said Steve Bloom of Fling Golf. Other tenants suggested we hold these events every Saturday, weather permitting of course! Hats off to Barewolf for not only hosting and driving this event but turning it into an event that promotes other businesses, offering exposure and creating an environment open to collaboration. The Maker's Market brought together over 20 vendors including local businesses, CI Works tenants, bands and food trucks.

CI Works thrives through cross company collaboration – it is a good way for all participants to grow. There is not only a cross section of businesses located here, but also a cross section of personalities, and a cross section of expertise that working together can thrive. While we do not desire to force people to play nice, those that do really get along and work together. CI Works is still in a learning curve with new endeavors, and we strive to do better with each iteration in the future, as BareWolf does brewing beer. Kudos to Stevie Bareford and his team for the extra efforts they put in to not only be open for business, but to broaden the audience and customers that they bring to CI Works and Amesbury.

Barewolf Brewing has an artistic, innovative approach to brewing beer, in that they rarely ever brew the same beer twice! These craft brewers are constantly coming up with new recipes better than the last, it’s truly an art. Did we mention that each can label is hand drawn, what isn’t unique about these guys? If you haven’t been to the brewery yet, what are you waiting for? Check out their extensive Summer event line-up so you don’t miss out on the fun!

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