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Does Co-Working Mean Locating in the Same Building or Actually Cooperating?

Bob OBrien

Co-working has recently generated a great deal of buzz and attention, but is it just hype or actual results? Companies have co-located nearby for centuries in downtowns and more recently in business parks. Decades ago businesses in a downtown cooperated and became referral sources for their neighbors. This cooperative behavior has mostly disappeared in downtowns and business parks and each business tends to be on its own. Now, individuals co-locate in a shared office space and it is considered co-working and is now cool. This may work in a very mobile and wired environment, but are the businesses working together?

@ CI_Works, we host 50+ businesses and growing that actually work together, cooperate, and boast shared successes - $$$. We have developed a base of companies that provide numerous cross sections – new businesses and established businesses; hardware products and soft skills to promote them; building materials and builders; renewable energy generation and potential users; old approaches and new tooling geared toward the digital economy. This cross section presents a tremendous base for successful knowledge share in an open environment framework that promotes communication and cooperation. The experience of one company – when shared as to both success and failure – is a great resource for others in terms of time management.

CI_Works has also established valuable connections at the state of Massachusetts level as to grant opportunities, connections to specific agencies, and how to get plugged into the state and municipality procurement pipeline and the $40 billion expended there annually. You must get plugged in to the state in order for the state to support your business – even when located in Massachusetts. Large companies have already figured this out.

A good day @CI_Works is when one company invents a solar thermal application that wins a Mass CleanEnergy Center grant to place an energy saving application on the roof @CI_Works to reduce heating bills; Building Envelope Materials working with INRoof to enhance the insulation value of the roofing application; learned of CEC grants from other tenant award winners; resulted in another round award for Building Envelope; a promotional video is being prepared featuring both INRoof and BEM featuring their collaboration by Anchor Hitch Media; and all are working with a social media expert company to broaden the visibility. Read all about it in the CI_Works newsletter this week. With all of the trickle down revenue economics, tenants need to grow and require more space @CI_Works. Now, let’s go share a craft beer at BareWolf Brewery, located across the street within CI_Works.

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